Older Newborn photography Melbourne

Older Newborn Photography Melbourne

Older newborn photography

Older newborn photography sessions

These older newborn photography sessions are designed for families that have missed the “two week window” time frame for newborn photography.

There are a few different reasons why we might end up scheduling an older newborn photography session

  • Sometimes parents don’t necessarily think of newborn photography until their baby is born. Unfortunately photographers are often unavailable to accept any further bookings at this late stage.
  • Families might also book the newborn sessions as an older newborn as their baby might need to stay in hospital that little bit longer. In this situation, we will wait for the doctor to give the all clear to ensure that it is safe to proceed with your photo session.
  • Rescheduling due to a family member being unwell.
  • The dreaded COVID-19 lockdowns, close contacts or been to an exposure site.
Older newborn photography

Our older newborn sessions are focused on the newborn poses that are suitable for babies that are between 3 to 8 weeks old. Any older than eight weeks of age we recommend possibly holding off for the 3 to 4 month “tummy time“  Baby Session

The older newborn session usually lasts 2 to 3 hours. Your baby will be wrapped for most of the session. Typically the ideal time for newborn photography is within the “two week window” timeframe. This is due to the fact that when your baby is born they are used to being curled up tightly. Their little joints are very flexible enabling them to be curled up tightly in the foetal position within the womb. Once they are born their  little joints start to harden making them become less and less flexible by the week. This is why the “two week window” timeframe is so important to achieve the curly sleepy poses. This doesn’t mean that we can’t create beautiful images of your older newborn. 

The older newborn is more alert so wrapping will sooth and calm your older newborn baby. They have no control of their little limbs at this age. They often startle themselves with an uncontrollable arm waving past their face. This often unsettles the older newborn. Swaddling them helps them drift off into a deep sleep allowing us to create beautiful soft dreamy compositions of your older newborn. Our go to “potato sack” wrapping technique creates a nice rounded shape with their little hands exposed under the chin. This wrapping technique can be photographed on the newborn photography posing beanbag and also works amazingly in the props. We can only wrap them up like a newborn for so long!  Soon, your newborn will start to be more awake, alert, and responsive to the world around them. This usually happens after 8 weeks, at which stage we recommend you wait for the next milestone “tummy time” session.


When is my baby too old for an older newborn photography session? 

Depending on your baby, usually around 8 weeks of age your older newborn will start to become more alert and responsive to the environment around them. They will become less likely to enjoy the security of being swaddled and want to break free. At this stage we recommend waiting another couple of months to do a “tummy time” baby session.

What do I need to bring to my older newborn photography session?

We have everything under control, you don’t need to bring a thing for your older newborn. We have little outfits, wraps, knitted hats, headbands etc for you to use during your session. We even have a ladies wardrobe for Mum to use during your older newborn photography session.

Can the family be included in my older newborn photography session?

Of course family can be included, in-fact we encourage the family (Mum, Dad & Siblings) to hop in and have some portraits taken towards the end of the session.  The session will be focus mainly on the older newborn.

How long is an older newborn photography session?

The older newborn photography session generally takes about 2 hours depending on how settled your baby is. If you are including family it can take a lille longer. 

Getting in touch

Great imagery starts with a strong rapport. between client and photographer. Your experience starts with our fist conversation!

I look forward to hearing from you soon

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